Internationalization of SME’s businesses

As part of the Call for Proposals “INTERNATIONALIZATION OF SME BUSINESSES” HELB Ltd implements the project “Increasing Sales in the Markets of Europe and the Middle East” for which a funds have been granted for projects financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds in the financial period 2014-2020, code KK.

HELB has been predominantly domestic market oriented so far. It plans to carry out a campaign of exhibitions at international fairs, conferences and forums, where it will present products that are the result of its development, and technological capacities for services in power electrics.

The implementation of the project will contribute to the increase in the number of contracts with foreign partners, sales revenues, exports and the number of employees, and an overall increase in activities in foreign markets. Beneficiaries of the project results are the management, employees, subcontractors, domestic partners and associations with which the cooperation was established.


Project name: Increasing Sales in the Markets of Europe and the Middle East

Username: HELB d.o.o.

Total project amount: 623.383,18 kn

Eligible project costs: 451.915,98 kn

Total amount of support granted: 293.745,38 kn

Project duration: 02.11.2017.-02.07.2019.

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